Lizzy Eden – Personal Stylist


”Fashion is the outward tool used to project an inward message of oneself” Lizzy Eden 2013

Phone  0438 587 020


Do you find yourself needing to upgrade your attire for work, business, or social occasions?

Are your current wardrobe choices leaving you dissatisfied, causing frustration when you try to put together an outfit in the morning?

Do shopping trips overwhelm you as you search for clothes that fit well, suit your colouring, physicality, personality and make you feel confident?

I’m here to simplify the complexities of Colour, Style, Wardrobe, Shopping, and Mix-and-Matching. Let’s make this process easier for you.


“She is clothed with strength and dignity and she laughs with no fear of the future”
Proverbs 31:25

Consultations with Lizzy



I’m based in the Plympton/Camden Park area of Adelaide SA (between the City and the Bay)

If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment simply fill in your details below and we will contact you within 24 hours.

During Business hours 8.30-6pm Monday-Friday, and Saturdays 10-4pm you may contact Lizzy Eden directly on
0438 587 020

Lizzy Eden

Styling Specialist
Image & Colour Consultant

0438 587 020

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