As an image consultant, stylist and bra fitter for Daughters of Eve and Blackwood Lingerie I’m used to seeing many women in the wrong bra! It’s very easy to forget or neglect to update your most important garment. When a women has been wearing the same one or few for a long time, it’s hard to remember what a great fitting bra should look and feel like. Take a good look at the ones you own presently and see if my seven bra fitting facts are in order.
If you’re looking for a practical storage idea for your bras check out these really cool boxes from Bel Angelle – The Bra Storage Solution
- The band around the back must be quite firm but not tight as this provides 80-90% of the support.
- The straps should be firm but not digging into your shoulders causing strain to them and your back.
- The under wire must encase your bust perfectly and sit outside your entire breast tissue at the sides.
- Your breasts should not spill out over the top of the bra as it must sit flat against the chest wall.
- The centre/gore of the bra must sit comfortably against your sternum.
- When you raise your arms above your head the under wire should not move forward or up but sit flat across your ribs.
- Lastly, your bra should feel so comfortable that you feel as though you don’t even have one on.